Hall of Fame

At Jeito B.V., we value the commitment and dedication of security researchers and independent individuals who responsibly report security vulnerabilities to us. Their efforts play a crucial role in maintaining a secure environment for our users and data. We would like to express our deepest gratitude and acknowledge the following individuals for their exceptional contributions to the security of our systems.

Security Researchers

[Researcher Name 1]

Date of Contribution: [Date]

Description: [Brief description of the vulnerability and its impact]

Recognition: [Optional – mention any special recognition or awards] [Researcher Name 2]

Date of Contribution: [Date]

Description: [Brief description of the vulnerability and its impact]

Recognition: [Optional – mention any special recognition or awards]

Responsible Disclosers

[Discloser Name 1]

Date of Contribution: [Date]

Description: [Brief description of the vulnerability and its impact] [Discloser Name 2]

Date of Contribution: [Date]

Description: [Brief description of the vulnerability and its impact]

Our Gratitude

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the security researchers and responsible disclosers who have chosen to collaborate with us to make our systems more secure. Their commitment to responsible disclosure is invaluable, and we are grateful for their professionalism and adherence to ethical practices.

How to be Enlisted in the Hall of Fame

If you have responsibly disclosed a security vulnerability to us and wish to be recognized on our Hall of Fame page, please let us know when reporting the vulnerability. We will seek your permission before listing any information on this page.

Note: Inclusion in the Hall of Fame is entirely at the discretion of Jeito B.V., and we reserve the right to modify or remove any information as necessary.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Hall of Fame or any security-related matters, please contact us at security@jeito.nl.